Yagi Directional 2.4ghz 802.11b Antenna
Putting it together


Getting Started | Dipole placement | Putting it all together | Finishing touches | Testing it out | Contact Me

Originally I planned to use a 1.44mb floppy as seen at :
After talking to a ham radio enthusiast,he suggested I put it all inside the disk.The only flaw in this was that the dipole would not be vertical and I did not believe that would give the best signal so I chose to use a zip disk.To make the dipole stand up in the disk I melted the inside of both sides where the dipole would rest.I also melted a space where the coax would come out of the disk.Make sure you do not melt through your disk.




I chose to place to dipole center of the opening already in the disk.I used a hot glue gun and place a couple drops of glue to hold each element in place.

I placed the reflector beneath the coax.I do not know if the coax will interfere with the reception of the antenna.If you look in the upper left picture I have melted a large enough space for the coax coming out of the disk.
